CEREC Crowns

CEREC - Same Day Crowns

What is CEREC Technology?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) is a revolutionary restoration dentistry system that allows Dr. Koski and Dr. DePaul to design, create and fit a new crown in a single visit.

While you sit comfortably, an image of your tooth is scanned into a computer specially designed for this purpose.

Using digital technology, your crown is designed to your tooth's precise specifications.

The multi-instrument CEREC system consists of an infrared digital camera, a computer with 3-D imaging software, and a milling unit with diamond blades for quick, precise, and highly detailed construction of restorations.

Koski DePaul Dental Group Koski DePaul Dental Group

Why Would I Benefit From This Technology?

Single-Appointment Dental Care - With CEREC, you only need to visit the dentist's office once, instead of the usual two or three visits required with conventional restoration procedures.

No Temporary Restorations - Conventional restoration procedures require you to wear temporary restorations while the laboratory creates your new restoration. Temporary restorations can fall off or cause other problems. CEREC eliminates this inconvenience.

Complete Control by Your Dentist - Since the restoration is designed and fabricated from start to finish by our team, we have complete control over how it will look and fit. In contrast, a crown made in a laboratory is under the control of a technician who must rely upon impressions and dental imagery provided by Koski DePaul Dental Group.

Fine Materials - CEREC uses strong, tooth-colored ceramic materials to restore your teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function. Not only do they look like the rest of your teeth, these materials closely match the composition of your natural tooth structure, allowing you to eat hot and cold foods without worrying about your tooth cracking from the extreme temperatures.

Visit Our Office

Highland Heights, OH

5564 Wilson Mills Rd. #101 #102, Highland Heights, OH 44143

Email: smile@koskidepaul.com

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Office Hours

  • MON - TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WEDClosed
  • THU - FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SAT - SUNClosed
(440) 461-9600